Victoria Vasys

Ideating | Empathetic | Adaptable | Resourceful | Dependable
Web Developer


After spending years exploring the world via bike, boat, train, plane, and automobile, I experienced tremendous growth as a human and tried to learn as much as possible about sustainable agriculture. I visited and WWOOFed on various farms and gardens, participated in garden and farm apprenticeships and jobs, and was an active part of the Permaculture community in my hometown.

Unfortunately, however, the sustainable agriculture industry as a whole is highly seasonal and underfunded and thus could not sustain me, so I took up work as an administrative assistant, cab driver, server, cook, and bartender. I wasn't incredibly passionate about any of those jobs and therefore spent a lot of time contemplating and researching various career paths.

It quickly became clear that web development would not only allow me to apply my intelligence and creativity in a productive manner, but would allow me to apply a multitude of my varied interests to my career. Luckily, I found the Turing School of Software and Design, which offered an alluring vision I had never considered: a world where the people creating the software represented the diverse realm of people using it. I got really excited about their mission and worked hard to prepare & save up.

After 7 grueling months of intensive study & practice, I was hired on as a Teaching Assistant at Turing. I then worked as full-time developer building a component library for the Mineral UI design system at CA Technologies. We went through an acquisition in which the viability of that job became unclear, so I was recruited to work as a front-end developer in the same office at Rally Software (then CA Technologies' Agile Central, now a division of Broadcom Inc.), where I've led the Culture Club and Accessibility Working Group, co-organized and led an accessibility "bash" (in which I personally improved Lighthouse accessibility scores from 53 to 91) and collaborated with UX to modernize our UI which we released to GA in 6 months and migrated over 230,000 active users within a year. It's really neat that when I moved to Rally, I initially got to implement Mineral and now get to take inspiration from it when enhancing our internal component library.

I also recently won an internal hack-a-thon for implementing a tokens system and theme provider (using React hooks and context APIs) to make it fast & easy to theme the entire app and switch between modes (light & dark, compact & roomy, etc.). I thoroughly enjoyed that work and am proud that we've scheduled work to productionalize it this PI.

I'm really enthused about the things I've learned so far and can't wait to see where the path ahead will lead me.



wx weeny

  • Solo Project
  • Consumers can stay up-to-date with current weather conditions, surface analyses and relevant tweets; an added learning component allows users to get educated on complicated weather topics
  • Created concept, framework, designs and logo, learned Python in order to scrape a weather facts site, learned Apollo/GraphQL to gather & use data from various sources, deployed a mobile app for the first time
  • React Native, Apollo/GraphQL, Python, Vercel, Framer X, National Weather Service API, OpenWeatherMap API, Google Geocoding API

Rally Team Board page with classic UI
wx weeny app homepage with current temperature, conditions, and Storm Prediction Center outlook
Rally Team Board page with new UI
wx weeny app surface analysis and wind patterns
Rally Iteration Status page with classic UI
wx weeny app educational page that displays random complex weather facts on-click
Rally Iteration Status page with new UI
wx weeny app National Weather Service Weather Prediction Center tweet timeline feed

Rally Software (formerly Agile Central)
My Medium blog post on our a11y bash
; my personal a11y contributions led to an increase from 53% to 92% for Lighthouse Accessibility score

  • 6-12 Member Dev Team
  • Consumers can keep track of their business objectives and align around a centralized purpose for better business outcomes; the tool can be used to tie strategy and daily work, track and manage delivery, and leverage data to accurately measure performance
  • Responsible for modernizing enterprise project management software, e.g. implementing filters and drag and drop within and between tables and "boards", improving performance, UI, code quality, and fe-be relationships. I've also led efforts in accessibility (helped organize and dev-lead an accessibility "bash" where all of our employees received training & swarmed on a11y debt) and diversity & inclusion (helped construct our cultural interview process, share knowledge in our women's group, manage meetings for our Culture Club)
  • React, Redux, TestCafe, react-testing-library, Enzyme/Jest, Chrome DevTools Performance analyzer, Jenkins

Switching from light mode to dark mode and color-theming capabilities
I recently won a hack-a-thon for implementing a tokens system and theme provider (using React hooks and context APIs) to make it easy to add compact and dark modes and theme an entire app with different styles

Rally Team Board page with classic UI
Rally Team Board Page with classic UI
Rally Team Board page with new UI
Rally Team Board Page with new UI

Rally Iteration Status page with classic UI
Rally Iteration Status Page with classic UI
Rally Iteration Status page with new UI
Rally Iteration Status Page with new UI

Example of a drag and drop between tables on Rally classic UI
Example of drag and drop within and between data tables with classic UI on Rally Team Planning page
Example of a drag and drop between tables on Rally new UI
Example of drag and drop within and between data tables with new UI on Rally Team Planning page

Mineral UI

  • 3-4 Member Dev Team
  • Consumers can utilize encapsulated, performant, flexible, accessible, internationalized, responsive components for the building blocks of their products
  • Responsible for research (regarding design systems, user interaction (UI), and accessibility), planning, UI and design implementation, and testing (snapshots, visual diffs, and cross-browser compatability)
  • React, Theo tokens, Enzyme/Jest, Travis CI, Happo visual diff testing

Example of Mineral UI theming capabilities
Mineral includes many capabilities for theming so that achieving the look and feel for your brand is easy and smooth

Example of a Mineral UI component - page sizing for pagination
I worked on both atomic components and composites like this Page Sizer for Pagiation. Developing a component included a rigorous process of thorough documentation with live examples.

Example of a Mineral UI accessibility considerations
Mineral UI prioritizes accessibility at every level and incorporates thorough documentation where applicable
Example of a Mineral UI internationalization considerations
Mineral UI also considers internationalization vital to its core so that it is accessible in any language

Xenia Specialty Pharmacy

  • Contracted Solo Project
  • Users can gain insight into compounding pharmaceuticals and contact the pharmacy
  • Responsible for full-stack development, deployment, and product management
  • Rails, Bootstrap, Responsive Design

Xenia Specialty Pharmacy Site Xenia Specialty Pharmacy Site on Mobile

Full Circle
GitHub Repo

  • Mainly solo brownfield project, based on a former students' capstone project
  • Prospective students who qualify for the Turing Diversity Scholarship save and submit essays, which admin then assign reviewers to score based on passion, determination & financial need.
  • Responsible for launching application to production by improving content and UX/UI for the prospective-student page (default), and creating React components to implement the reviewer & admin pages.
  • Tech Stack: React, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, SCSS, TravisCI, Heroku Pipeline, Hakiri Security Monitoring

Full Circle former student page Full Circle updated student page
Former Student Essay Page
Updated Student Essay Page

Full Circle former admin page Full Circle updated admin page
Former Admin Dashboard
Updated Admin Dashboard

Cloney Island (CI)

Multi-tenancy applications that emulate the style and functionality of a large-scale website.

CI Sprint 2: Grab Bag
username: Admin, password: banana
GitHub Repo

  • 5-person team
  • Dropbox clone, Cloney Island 2nd sprint (brownfield project)
  • Calculated analytics through SQL, produced the results via Redis caching & internal API endpoints, and consumed the endpoints to produce graphical data
  • Responsible for improving UI/UX and providing and consuming data to display with Dimple.js (a charting API for D3)
  • Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, JBuilder, Javascript (AJAX, jQuery, Dimple.js)

Grab Bag admin dashboard

Grab Bag average users per day chart

CI Sprint 1: Fairbnb
GitHub Repo

  • 6-person team
  • Airbnb clone, Cloney Island 1st sprint (greenfield project)
  • Implements multiple OAuth protocols, Devise authentication, internal API endpoints & Action Cable to imlement live messaging through web sockets.
  • Responsible for project management, Rails framework, date-range search function, and executing the live-messaging system (not in production due to potential costs of using Heroku's Redis add-on).
  • Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails (Action Cable), PostgreSQL, Bootstrap

Fairbnb schema

Fairbnb frontpage

Quantified Self
Front-end GitHub Repo
Back-end GitHub Repo

  • Pair project
  • Choose & manage foods to keep a diary of what you eat! This app allows you to add, edit, delete & filter foods & add foods to and delete foods from meals, while updating calorie totals, all in realtime.
  • FE makes requests to BE API endpoints via AJAX & manipulates the DOM without refreshing
  • Responsible for adding, editing, deleting, & filtering foods (both front- & back-end facets)
  • Tech Stack: Backend in Node.js & Express.js, Frontend in Node.js & jQuery

Quantified Self Walkthrough

Rales Engine

GitHub Repo

  • Pair project
  • eCommerce business intelligence API to produce data about merchants, customers, and purchases
  • ActiveRecord and SQL to optimize query times
  • Standardized JSON responses via ActiveModel Serializers
  • Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL (ActiveRecord, RSpec)

Superpower Shop
Email:, Secret Password???: 123
GitHub Repo

  • 3-person team
  • A creative spin on traditional online ordering platforms. Users can add super powers from various categories to their cart; admin can access orders metrics and manipulate users & orders.
  • RESTful implementation and conventional MVC modeling
  • Responsible for cart & orders functionality, refactoring & custom Sass
  • Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap

Superpower Shop root page

Superpower Shop paid orders


Turing School of Software and Design

  • Denver, COJanuary 2017 – August 2017
  • Turing students invest over 1500 hours across seven months in becoming job-ready software developers. In the Back-End Engineering program, the modules progress as follows:
    • Mod 1: build skills in object-oriented programming and design
    • Mod 2: build full-stack Rails applications
    • Mod 3: provide and consume APIs (+ advanced Rails)
    • Mod 4: fundamentals of JavaScript, build with React, other production techniques (message queues, continuous integration, agile project management)
  • In total, BEE graduates have the skills to turn HTML and CSS templates into production-ready applications.
  • Activities and Organizations
    • Currently mentor 2 students in the front-end program
    • Berners-Lee Posse (student support & growth group) co-leader
    • BerylliumBE (career-preparatory student organization) founder & co-leader
    • Turing Podcast producer & host
    • Constructed widely-used portfolio templates
    • Cross-mod pairing co-organizer
    • Joan Clarke Society (organization to support female developers) member

University of Wisconsin–Madison

  • Madison, WI August 2004 — May 2010
  • Bachelor of Science (BS) - Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
  • Certificate (Minor) - Environmental Studies
  • Wrote and edited technical papers for studies on both the carbon cycle near Lake Superior and the effects of stratospheric moisture on sea surface temperatures.

University of Queensland

  • Brisbane, Queensland, AUSTRALIA January 2007 - June 2007

Contact Victoria

Feel free to email, tweet, or message me to find out more :)